Institute of Management, Nirma University - Logo



Effective and Innovative pedagogy plays an important role in improving the quality of teaching-learning and ensures attainment of learning outcomes. The Institute has well-defined policies and internal quality assurance system to achieve quality in teaching-learning process. At the Department level, efforts are taken by the members to design the curriculum as per industry trends and validated from stakeholders. ICT tools are used extensively to support, enhance, and optimise the teaching and learning experience. Lectures, tutorials and laboratory sessions form the essential components of pedagogy. Emphasis is also on project based learning in the form of minor and major projects, where students work on live problem definitions and research ideas. Industrial visits, a fraction of courses taught by industry experts and internship imparts a flavor of the current practices and advancements in the industry.


The evaluation process has mainly three components, Continuous Evaluation (CE), Laboratory and Practical Work (LPW), Project Work (PW) and Semester End Examination (SEE). The components may vary depending on the nature of the course. These components effectively lead to the attainment of course outcomes and hence the POs and PSOs.

Course Code Course Name
2CS504CC23 Computer Architecture
2CS505CC23 Database Management Systems
2CS506CC23 Operating Systems
2CS201CC23 Full Stack web development
2HS401CC23 Organisational Behavior
2CS202CC23 Data Communication
Course Code Course Name
3CS101CC24 Machine Learning
3CS201CC24 Computer Networks
3CS501CC24 Design & Analysis of Algorithms
Adaptive AI
Course Code Course Name
3CS301DC24 Computer Vision using Deep Learning
3CS102DC24 Natural Language Computing
Cyber Security
Course Code Course Name
3CS205DC24 Information and Network Security
3CS206DC24 Digital Forensics
Data Science
Course Code Course Name
3CS506IC24 Programming for Scientific Computing
3CS103ME24 Data Analysis and Visualization
Computer Science
Course Code Course Name
3CS507IC24 Data Structures and Algorithms
3CS508IC24 Operating Systems
Software Engineering
Course Code Course Name
3CS509IC24 Principles of Software Engineering
3CS510IC24 Software Testing and Quality Assurance
Course Code Course Name
3CS402CC24 Cloud Computing
3CS511CC24 Software Engineering
4FT901CC24 Research Methodology and Seminar
3FT901CC24 Summer Internship
Adaptive AI
Course Code Course Name
3CS108ME24 Reinforcement Learning
3CS109ME24 Soft Computing
3CS110ME24 Federated Learning
Cyber Security
Course Code Course Name
3CS210ME24 Secured Application Development
3CS211ME24 System and Website Audit
3CS207ME24 Quantum Computing
3CS212ME24 Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
3CS213ME24 Data Privacy
Data Science
Course Code Course Name
3CS101CC24 Machine Learning
3CS105IE24 Introduction to Deep Learning
3CS303IE24 Multimedia Analytics
3CS106IE24 Time Series Analysis
3CS107IE24 Analytics of IoT
Computer Science
Course Code Course Name
3CS518IC24 Database Management Systems
3CS201CC24 Computer Networks
3CS519IE24 Web Technologies
3CS101CC24 Machine Learning
Software Engineering
Course Code Course Name
3CS520IC24 Application Development Frameworks
3CS521IE24 Software Architectures
3CS403IE24 Service Oriented Architecture
3CS522IE24 UI-UX Design
Course Code Course Name
6CS151 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
6CS152 Software Engineering
6CS153 Internet of Things
6CS154 Python Programming
6CS155 Probability and statistics
6CS16X Department Elective-I
Supplementary Course
6CS182 Communication Skills
Department Electives-I
Course Code Course Name
6CS161 Advance Java Technology
6CS162 Open Source Technology
6CS163 Micro service Architecture and Programming
Course Code Course Name
3MCA301 Machine Learning
3MCA302 Mobile Application Development Technologies
3MCA303 Cloud Computing
3MCAD35X Department Elective-II
3MCAD36X Department Elective-III
3MCAD30X Department Elective-IV
3MCASP03 Summer Internship*
Department Electives-II
Course Code Course Name
3MCAD351 Big Data Analytics
3MCAD352 Data Encryption
3MCAD353 UI/UX Design
3MCAD354 Human Computer Interface
3MCAD355 System Software
3MCAD356 Blockchain Foundations
3MCAD357 Database Administration
3MCAD358 High Performance Computing
3MCAD359 Information Retrieval
Course Code Course Name
3MCA401 Internship